Fiat Coupe Club UK

Car tax scam

Posted By: jimboy

Car tax scam - 09/02/2023 08:44

I’m sure like myself people receive scams on their devices regularly, the latest one for me….your car tax is invalid as there was not enough funds in your bank account. Apart from paying by cheque at the local post office last year this was was an obvious scam and almost laughable at the pathetic attempt at stealing money. It’s still a sign of the times and no doubt some poor sod will be caught out. Don’t click on the blue writing…. nono
Posted By: Edinburgh

Re: Car tax scam - 09/02/2023 08:55

Dang it, and there's that nice Amazon Prime person that keeps ringing up to tell me my account needs renewing...
Posted By: jimboy

Re: Car tax scam - 09/02/2023 09:32

I was a wee bit tongue in cheek there myself Simon. What gets me though is the far more sophisticated scams out there that some people lose a lot of money. My wife quite recently had the message from out Daughter asking for money a temporarily loan so to speak, Aye right. These type of scams can be quite convincing to some. OK my wee rant over. blabla
Posted By: Edinburgh

Re: Car tax scam - 09/02/2023 10:01

No you're right Jim, many of these one can see through but their popularity is such that there must inevitably be a success rate - and it could easily be one of our own that is hoodwinked by something more convincing.

We talk at times about having one's faith restored in human nature but these antics are exactly the opposite and something we have to be constantly educated about as the tricksters become more sophisitcated..

Apparently "origin" telephone numbers (ones which are either displayed on the phone screen or revealed by dialling 1471) can also be faked...what looks genuine is in fact a piggy-back to another concealed number grr
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Car tax scam - 10/02/2023 08:19

I find myself wondering how many scumbags are getting on the 'aid for Turkey/Syria earthquake' bandwagon. I would suggest that if you wish to contribute cash or e.g. clothing, you use either the major charities (Oxfam, Red Cross, etc) or the Disaster Emergency Committee rather than the bloke on the street...
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