Fiat Coupe Club UK

Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky

Posted By: Theresa

Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 20/12/2014 20:07

Anyone ever seen these?

There's four white lights which move around each other, then seem to join up before moving apart again.
They seem to swirl around in the same spot, following a pattern of their own.

There's no pubs or clubs in the area beaming any lights and I can't see any beam going up to them.

I've searched the internet about them, but people just seem to be reporting over the years, similar to what I've seen, but with no real answer.

I tried taking some videos, but only one video has come out half decent.
Have a look here:

If you put the screen to full size, you should make them out on the bottom left of the video clip.
Posted By: magooagain

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 20/12/2014 20:16 Stop it T!
Posted By: Theresa

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 20/12/2014 20:22

Posted By: Gripped

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 20/12/2014 21:07

Looks like ground based lights to me. They are reflecting off the clouds which makes them visible, despite no apparent beam.

That's my guess anyway.

The way they seem to move and cross each other indicates they are being projected from the ground like search lights.
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 07:40

As Toby says: they're spotlights from the ground reflecting of low(ish) cloud. There's clear air between them and the clouds so you don't see a beam.

The spotlights only need to be two or three miles away to be over your local horizon, but still visible on the clouds.
Posted By: Theresa

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 08:52

Thanks for the explanations Toby and Neil cool

After reading through Twitter, apparently, there was a light show at a local National Trust house, which is approx 3 miles away, so probably explains it.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 11:20

Yep. I saw some such lights a couple of days ago over the beach. OK, folks - just disperse in an orderly fashion. Nothing to see here.

Posted By: H_R

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 13:35

This happened years ago in Kettering we could see lights from a Tina turner concert in Woburn Bedfordshire
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 14:12

OF course, it could be something entirely different...
Posted By: Jimbo

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 16:54

Or was that someone shooting a UFO with a laser pen?
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 17:05

Now don't be silly, Jimbo.

Why would a UFO have a laser pen?
Posted By: Jimbo

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 21/12/2014 17:27

It's written in the stars.

I've now got a Tinie Tempah song on constant loop inside my head.
Posted By: jame5

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 27/12/2014 11:16

I remember seeing exactly the same thing with a group if friends a long, long time ago in my youth after smoking one or two 'jazz cigarettes' we later found out it wasn't aliens just a music festival at Windsor race course biglaugh
Posted By: jame5

Re: Dancing/swirling white lights in the sky - 27/12/2014 11:20

click to enlarge
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